6 Women Share How Their Relationships Survived Cheating

Getting cheated on pretty much feels like the end of the world when it happens. So many emotions and questions flood your brain: Why would he do this to me? How long has it been going on?

As if that weren't hard enough, then there's the really daunting question about what comes next: Should you stay or should you go? Is the relationship worth fighting for?

In some cases, hell-to-the-no.

In others, it may not be the worst idea.

Every situation is different. Here's what happened when these women gave someone a second chance—or received one themselves:


"It was brutal and horrible. I was totally in disbelief that he would step out when I thought that our marriage was just fine. We had frequent sex, both worked outside of the home, were raising our terrific children, and were living a typical, middle-class American life.

"It was our stubborn determination that pulled us through this without intervention from counselors or therapists. We both realized that six months of an affair could not trump 25 years of a decent marriage. It really was worth fighting for.

"It has been about six years and I will always carry a small, emotional scar, but what we have now is a more open, honest and compassionate understanding of what we need and want in our relationship. I have learned to trust him again and he has learned how to be more attentive to my needs." —Stacey, 54

Watch men and women spill the honest truth about exactly what they think about cheating:


"We’d been together for two years and I was getting restless. It wasn’t that I didn’t love my partner anymore, I just felt trapped. We were young and it felt like we’d settled down so soon. I started seeing someone else, a woman from work. It was freeing at the time. Eventually, the guilt got to me and I broke down and told my partner. Instead of leaving me, she wanted to work through it. We’ve been married for five years now and frequently revisit this time in therapy. It takes a lot of effort to get through something like that." —Jessa, 35


"We both cheated and we're working through it. I think it's important to stay rational and have real conversations about the cheating. I would recommend not asking for specific details as it's better not to know. Ask about and explain the 'whys' of why it happened. I also think it's very important to not ALWAYS be talking about the cheating. I think it's important to intersperse good times so that you remember what you are fighting for. I also think it's important not to have sex again until you are ready." —Mary, 32
